General information

What is Launchpad?

What does Launchpad offer?

How to listing NFT for Sale?

NFT Royalties

If I sell using Launchpad, can I sell the same creations elsewhere?

Permission to Sell

Create Wallet

What is a wallet?

What wallets do you recommend?

How do you register for a wallet with MetaMask and to add Polygon network?

How can you buy the cryptocurrency Polygon (Matic)?

Can i pay by credit card or Apple Pay?

Is the purchase process secure?

With which currencies can you buy NFT accept Polygon?

For Сollectors

What happens if you want to sell your NFT at other platform?What am i collecting?

How do i buy artwork?

How auction work?

How do i place a bid on art?

What’s Reserve Price?

Where do my purchased creations live?

Drop Purchase Restrictions

What’s Reserve Price?

What happens if you want to sell your NFT at other platform?

Drop Purchase Restrictions